We had a great time together last Saturday! I appreciate the support for my brewing efforts and hanging out for the evening with good food and great company.

I had a huge cooler with iced, bottled beers in abundance. I had two Sixtel kegs online on the patio with both one of my more popular recipes, The Main Event Blonde Ale (my Election Day 2020 brew) and a brand new White Ale called Ashokan Farewell. That new beer received a few smiles and the approval from the first folks who have ever tried it!

My Bottled beers were as follows: Black Night Stout (Guinness clone) Ides of March Magnum Stout, Yankee Hefeweizen, Cerveza Mexicana, Oktoberfest v 2.0, Cherrywood Smoked Mild, Summer Harvest Grape IPA, Blood Orange IPA (from my own tree) La Perla Blonde Ale, Scottish Blonde Ale,Twenty One (my tweaked, improved Miller clone) Pineapple Sunset Hard Seltzer, Ukrainian Partisans Blonde Ale, Sea of Tranquility (Belgian Wind Malt Ale) Pilgrims Plymouth Pale Ale, One Month Away (Levi’s beer) and I had also four Sixtel kegs on reserve in the big keezer. Only the official Russian River Pliny The Elder ingredients kit brewed beer was sampled and very well received.

I have a new brew called Clydesdale American Lager (a monkeyed with Budweiser clone), my 2022 Election Day Brew called Redheaded Stepchild Red Ale and a new batch of my Rich Port Caribbean Ale. I have two more batches that are headed for keg soon. My 3rd brewing of my Chimay Cinq Cents clone and a brand new creation called Fort Morgan American Lager. Believe it or not, it’s a highly modified Coors Banquet clone that I took liberties with the recipe. I think it will be a fine adult beverage.

I get a little grief for reproducing common, domestic beers, when I can get a little wild on my own recipes. Sometimes, you just got to try it out and see how it towns out. I stock enough varieties of malted barleys and adjuncts here at my little compound that I can just experiment on a recipe and see how it turns out.